
Silver Linings

The news today wasn't perfect, but it was much better than it could have been. Rhonda has Stage 2A Hodgkins disease. This means that the cancer has spread, but it is still confined to her neck and upper chest. They have two more tests to do--a PET scan (tomorrow) and a bone marrow test (Friday) just to absolutely confirm that the cancer hasn't spread, but they're pretty positive at this point.

They're also planning to put a port in her neck (Friday) for the chemotherapy so that once school is out she'll be ready to start--but the other good news is that she'll be able to finish school before she starts treatment. The chemo will be every two weeks, and will last for 24 weeks. The prognosis is good, but we can surely still use your prayers.

She's already looking at wigs! We'll keep you posted.


Big Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow morning, Rhonda has an appointment with the oncologist to plan the course of treatment for her Hodgkins Disease. She had a series of CT scans on Saturday, and they'll be going over those and laying out the plan of attack. After tomorrow, we should know how advanced her Hodgkins is, exactly what her treatment will be, and what she'll be able to do as far as finishing school is concerned.

All of us have had a few freak out moments over the last couple of days but in general we're doing pretty well. Please keep praying for all of us, but especially Rhonda. We are specifically praying that she will be completely healed, and that she will be able to finish school on time in May. The teachers have been really good about her missing this past week, but with only five weeks left, she's got some catching up to do. And of course we don't know yet what sort of demands treatment will make on her health and schedule.

Thank you so much for all of the kind words, prayers and encouragment we have received. It has meant so much to know people care.


For Those Who Pray

We got some really bad news from the doctor today. My 20 year old daughter is going to have a biospy on Wednesday. She has a large number of growths on her neck. The doctor is very concerned with the possibility of lymphoma or Hodgkins. Neither one would be good news, especially given the family history with the disease. We would greatly appreciate your prayers for her healing and protection.

She's scheduled to graduate on May 3rd, but the doctor didn't feel that they could wait that long. He actually rearranged his schedule to do the biopsy this week. I'll keep you posted.