
Shifting The Immigration Debate

There appears to be a concerted effort being made by the pro-illegal immigration crowd in recent days to shift the debate over border security to a US vs. Mexico argument. Attempts are being made to frame opponents of illegal immigration as racist and nativist. And attempts are being made to stir up Mexican nationalism among both legal and illegal immigrants.

Hundreds of high school students marched here in Tucson today. Although many were no doubt just excited by a chance to skip school, others were quite vocal, and someone furnished them with a number of Mexican flags. (And if you haven't yet seen the pictures from California of the Mexican flag flying over an upside down American flag outside of Montibello High School, you can see it here. WARNING: There is much stronger language than I would usually link to in some of the downthread comments. But the flag picture is a must-see.)

Strong enforcement of the border and our immigration laws is neither racist nor evil. That is common sense at any time, but especially in a time of war. The danger is that some are deliberately trying to shift the focus of the debate away from that to start a racial conflict. If the Senate plan allowing amnesty (although they refuse to admit the reality of their proposal) for those willing to pay a small fine to cut to the front of the line passes, this will please the pro-illegal crowd, but it will guarantee a further flood of illegal immigration--and greater danger to America.

Focus needs to be kept to the real issue at hand. Our laughable border security coupled with the deliberate blind eye turned toward employers who hire illegals are the reason there are an estimated 12 million of them here today. This debate has nothing to do with Mexicans not being welcome...if they follow the rules to get here. The Senate Judiciary proposal is an insult to everyone who has followed the rules, no matter what their race.


At 4:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No comments yet! This is exactly why this Country is going to Hell in a hand bag. This is the United States of America. Not the United States of Mexico, India, Pakistan, Iraq, or any of the other numerous free loading dredges on society that come here and want us to adapt to them instead of them adapting to us. Our Gov't has always done what ever it takes to please foreigners not only the ones coming here to live illegally but the ones still on foreign soil, they do this at the expense of the US taxpayer. Then in turn the US taxpayer( the American People who are working their butts off just to make ends meet, not the wealthy who find ways around taxes) are left out in the cold, like they just don't even matter.

If the immigrants illegal or legal don't like it here, why did they come in the first place? Send them back where they came from and tell them they are no longer welcome, do not come back.

I hate to say it but if we examples of some of these, I think a lot of our problems may end.

In closing our Gov't needs to take care of our people first, and until this is done tell everyone else to have a burrito and a smile.

At 10:31 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This is making me sick. I spent 3 years in the middle east dodging bullets and mortars to come home and see that Washington is allowing these idiots to arrogantly deface MY FLAG. If they are gonna be here and mooch my tax dollars and feed off the federal system that allows these idiots to do this then they need to respect the fact that they are on soverign American ground and my forefathers poured there blood to secure it. People need to get angry and do something. I make this promise that if i ever see this personally there will be a fight. I will not let these losers do this in my face when my buddies are dying everyday for the very flag that they spit on! Get MAD Americans!!! Lets do something now or we are gonna crumble from the inside.

At 10:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This is making me sick. I spent 3 years in the Middle East dodging bullets and mortars to come home and see that Washington is allowing these idiots to arrogantly deface MY FLAG. If they are going to be here and mooch my tax dollars and feed off the federal system that allows these idiots to do this then they need to respect the fact that they are on soverign American ground that my forefathers poured there blood to secure. People need to get angry and do something. I make this promise that if I ever see this personally there will be a fight. I will not let these losers do this in my face when my buddies are dying everyday for the very flag that they spit on! Get MAD Americans!!! Lets do something now or we are going to crumble from the inside.

At 10:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This is making me sick. I spent 3 years in the Middle East dodging bullets and mortars to come home and see that Washington is allowing these idiots to arrogantly deface MY FLAG. If they are going to be here and mooch my tax dollars and feed off the federal system that allows these idiots to do this then they need to respect the fact that they are on soverign American ground that my forefathers poured there blood to secure. People need to get angry and do something. I make this promise that if I ever see this personally there will be a fight. I will not let these losers do this in my face when my buddies are dying everyday for the very flag that they spit on! Get MAD Americans!!! Lets do something now or we are going to crumble from the inside.

At 10:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This is making me sick. I spent 3 years in the Middle East dodging bullets and mortars to come home and see that Washington is allowing these idiots to arrogantly deface MY FLAG. If they are going to be here and mooch my tax dollars and feed off the federal system that allows these idiots to do this then they need to respect the fact that they are on soverign American ground that my forefathers poured there blood to secure. People need to get angry and do something. I make this promise that if I ever see this personally there will be a fight. I will not let these losers do this in my face when my buddies are dying everyday for the very flag that they spit on! Get MAD Americans!!! Lets do something now or we are going to crumble from the inside.

At 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How dare the mexican idiots hang our American Flag upside down.
Get the hell out of our country. Why did you come here in the first place if you like Mexico so much you morons.
Go home, we don't want you here.

At 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one asked them to come to our country, they showed up uninvited and now try to make it their own. There are no border guards to stop them from going back to Mexico and that is exactly what they should do. How dare they disrespect the country they are living in, particularly at an American school where they are gettin a free education.


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